Friday, November 22, 2013

Parker's Snapchats

Just because my husband is hilarious and these are too good not to share. Can you say #snapchatartist?!


Friday, November 8, 2013

Growing up Richardson

So I just found my old laptop the other night and seriously spent hours looking through old hilarious pictures and videos from high school. Have I ever mentioned that it was a blast growing up with these crazy people? Here were some solid hilarious videos that I just had to share. Don't kill me, Mom. 

I guess the Richardson girls went through a Kesha phase? Judge us.
Also..I wonder where my sisters and I get it from.
My mom is seriously hilarious. I can't wait for my kids to meet her.

I also came across this going through old pictures and it melted my heart. I guess my hoarding sometimes has it benefits. I'm so grateful that I grew up in a home where there was so much love and laughter.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Media Megan

So, remember how my entire family makes fun of me for being so into social media and for constantly being tuned in on what's going on in the lives of everybody around me? If you don't know about it, here's a weigh in. Even at my wedding dinner, my family got up and had my name written out where everyone was holding up different signs with a different letter of my name. They each took the time to tell a little bit about me using that letter of my name. My dad was the very first one to go, with the Letter "M". He said that M stands for Media Megan, and then went on to tell all of my extended family, closest friends, and Parker's family (aka my new family who I was still trying to impress, haha) about how I was obsessed with social media, and share every thought that comes to my head to my twitter followers and facebook friends. (Just have to defend myself here, this is not 100% true. I'd like to think I have better social media etiquette than how he made me sound). Haha but anyways, he went on and on. And it was highly embarrassing, and also didn't quite come off as a compliment. Hahaha bless his heart, he didn't know he was digging himself into a hole. Dads, right? Love him. Anyways....

My love for social media has paid off! I just got hired as a Social Media intern in Provo and I am so excited! I will be in charge of running different social media accounts for clients and seeing how I can help their businesses grows. Awesome, huh? I definitely chose the right career for me. You know what else this means? My college career is quickly coming to an end. This will qualify as the internship I have to do before I can graduate next August. So bittersweet. Have I mentioned that I absolutely love being in the Advertising program at BYU? Because I do.

Do what you love and you will never have to work a day in your life. Isn't that the idea?!

Friday, August 16, 2013

In Loving Memory: Jeff Hasara :)

It was three years ago today that one of my favorite people I've ever known was taken from us on Earth. I have been thinking a lot lately about the blessings that came to me from my family moving to Iowa my junior year of high school and I count Jeff as one of the biggest blessings that came to me through that move. The Hasara family of four boys and one girl moved to Iowa the exact time that my family of five girls moved there. The first day of church in my new ward was literally the first day that they had moved in too and we all clicked right away. It really didn't hurt that they also literally lived a block away from me. Jeff quickly became like my little brother. I drove him to school, I made him walk me to class because I had no friends yet haha, and we all hungout all the time. Jeff was SO HAPPY and SO FUNNY and SO FULL OF LIFE and it was so contagious. He quickly turned around my negative I feel sorry for myself attitude about moving to a new place where I was uncomfortable and didn't know anyone into a happy, positive outlook. Some of my fondest memories with Jeff are of making cd's and going on drives with him just to listen to Red Hot Chili Peppers and Brand New and yelling "SUSAN!" out the car window to random people walking on the sidewalks. He frequently made fun of me for how ridiculous I was, and I had the time of my life hanging out with him and laughing over stupid things and talking about everything. Those are the memories with Jeff that I remember. The good ones. The happy ones. Because that's who Jeff was. Happy. Even after he was diagnosed with cancer only a year after I had known him, he remained so happy and so full of life. I don't recall ever hearing him complain about his situation. He just always had faith that everything would work out and that this was all a part of the plan that the Lord had for him. He never once sat around feeling sorry for himself, but instead would talk to me about how he knew he was a tool in the Lord's hands and that he would be okay. After a year of battling with cancer, Jeff passed away on August 16, 2010, just a few days before I moved to college.

I don't think that there's another person or experience that I've had so far in my life that has impacted me quite the way that Jeff did. He taught me how to LIVE, and just how precious life is. He taught me to appreciate LIFE and to find joy in it. He taught me to not stress out about things that don't matter. He taught me to LAUGH, and to be ridiculous, and to always be who you are no matter what. He taught me to make the most of any situation. He taught me to be a friend to everybody. He taught me to not sit around and feel sorry for myself. He taught me that following the Lord's will and being close to Him is the only thing that matters. He taught me to focus on the important things in life. He taught me to really live freely and without inhibitions. I will never forget Jeff, the fun memories that I had with him, and the impact that he made on my life. I love and miss him dearly, and today, like every day, am thankful for the person and example that he was to me.

Rest in peace, Jeff. Until we meet again :)

Monday, July 22, 2013

His timing

"I asked for strength and God gave me difficulties to make me strong. I asked for wisdom and God gave me problems to solve. I asked for prosperity and God gave me brawn and brains to work. I asked for courage and God gave me dangers to overcome. I asked for patience and God placed me in situations where I was forced to wait. I asked for love and God gave me troubled people to help. I asked for favors and God gave me opportunities. I asked for everything so I could enjoy life. Instead, He gave me life so I could enjoy everything. I received nothing I wanted, I received everything I needed."

This really spoke to me today. I am thankful for a mindful Heavenly Father who knows me better than I know myself and who surrounds me with people, places, and circumstances that help me grow and teach me to rely on Him in all things.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Wedding Slide Show

WARNING: Cheesy post.
I had the wonderful opportunity to go home to Iowa and visit my family this past week! It did so much good to my soul to go home for a little bit and spend time with those who matter most. While I was home, I found Parker and I's wedding slide show on my mom's computer and quickly took the opportunity to download it.

 This slide show was played at our wedding dinner with our closest family and friends the night before our wedding- August 31, 2012.

Disclaimer: I didn't make this slide show and therefore did not choose the pictures. Don't judge us for our awkward stages :) there are also a few duplicates and the song loops, but we are so thankful for our family that put this together! After all, they only had as little as 10 weeks to get'r'done!

Pictures from our wedding dinner while the slideshow was playing:

And of course my mama introducing it...

Keith says it perfectly.
I am so thankful for Parker and the man that he is. There is noone else I'd rather be with and I am reminded daily of just how blessed I am to have him in my life!

Friday, May 17, 2013

let's give this another go around

Alright guys. I'm the worst blogger ever, but let's try this again. Here are some of the highlights since the last time I've posted:

                               I was accepted into the advertising program at BYU. Go me.
         (a weird shot from my advertising application video I had to these people)

I SKYDIVED. Woop. Parker lended his unwavering moral support. Go him.

Spent Thanksgiving in Iowa with my crazy family! Always a riot. Parker fits in perfectly with the Richardson's!

We went to Hawaii, because after all, Hawaii is for Honeymooners. Even if their honeymoon is four months late.

We spent Christmas in the Bay Area with Parker's family and had a blast. Christmas in California is the way to do it. My kinda weather.

I turned Parker into a Belieber.

Spent a wonderful weekend at Parker's grandparents' ranch in the Teton Valley of Idaho with our best friends and family!

Had a lot of really good date nights....both in and out :)

We visited Parker's Fields grandparents in Scottsdale, Arizona and loved every minute of being with them and touring Arizona. Especially getting to see the Mesa temple :)

We moved out of our perfect first apartment together and finished another year of school at BYU in Utah. We are now living in Sacramento for the summer!

Alright, alright...I'll quit talking. Needless to say, the past nine months of marriage have been GOOD TO US. Life is the best with this guy by my side.